GOOD EVENING! And welcome to… THE GIG REVIEW! “Thirty days has September, April, June, and November.” – quoth Anon. (and no it’s not cheating!) Remember remember the 5th of November, clarinets piccolos and flutes… And you might as well remember all the other days of the month while you’re at it, because it’s time …
Tag: Footloose
‘Oliver!’ and ‘Footloose’ Clippety Clips…
HEY GUYZZZ!!! I did a couple of zhowz recently, and made a couple of videoz zhowcazing zome clipz of my playing. Zo I thought I’d zhare them with you in caze that’z the zort of thing you’re into for zome reazon. Ready? Zteady? GO!!! Oliver! Footlooze